So a quick update on the whole cancer thing. I will officially be one year out from chemo and the end of all my treatments on January 17 :) I will have another three month follow up in February with my oncologist and then HOPEFULLY be able to graduate to six month appointments! I had my last appointment with my surgeon in Birmingham a few weeks ago and he said everything looks great! I do have a pretty bad scar where my port was that he said needs to be fixed. But I'm not sure I can bring myself to have another surgery just yet. Maybe sometime in the near future though. But otherwise I feel great and am ready to move on from that chapter of my life.
I guess it's time for some updated hair pictures :) It's still driving me crazy. I swear I will never have short hair again. And I still wear the wigs when I don't feel like looking like a boy. The photos below are from 49 weeks post chemo.
So I guess since it's almost 2014 that it's time for New Year's resolutions. I'm not really big on resolutions. I just thing that they are so...well, resolute. That's a lot of pressure. And I always end up feeling bad when I mess something up. So this year I'm just coming up with a list of "goals" which I hope to accomplish. If I don't do something, then fine. I simply hope to be able to look back at myself at the end of the year and know that I did my best.
1. BE HEALTHIER. I know, I know. This is so typical. But it is important. Sadly, I was in better shape this time last year than I am now, even though I was in the middle of chemo. I guess I was so concerned with not letting the chemo keep me from doing anything I want to do, that I took extra initiative to eat properly and workout. But as usual, I fell out of that routine. I think one problem people have with resolutions is that they are too broad. It's hard to stick to something like "be healthier" when you have so much wiggle room to cheat. So in 2014, my goal is to cut back on soft drinks and sweets, to complete a 30-day food challenge, and to run two, possibly three, 5k's (without stopping).
2. At the same time, I am going to stop HATING MYSELF FOR EATING DESSERT. You only live once right? I am also not going to beat myself up on the days when I don't have time to make it to to the gym. BUT I am going to actually make it to the gym on the days that I do have time.
3. DO SOMETHING THAT SCARES ME. I'm really not sure what I can do to top sky diving. But I want to push myself out of my comfort zone more.
4. PUT DOWN THE CELL PHONE. We get so caught up in social media and what's going on in other people's lives, that we end up ignoring the people right in front of us. For me, it's kind of a crutch. I can be shy and sometimes I get uncomfortable or bored in social situations, so I pull out my phone. But I want to be able to put it down, be more in the moment, and enjoy other's company.
5. PAY IT FORWARD. Every now and then, my grandparents will be out to eat and just decide to pay for a total strangers meal, without even telling them. I want to be more like that.
6. TRAVEL. Preferably out of the country somewhere. But really anywhere will do. I want to experience the world and broaden my horizons. And I want to help others in need at the same time. Even if I don't make it out of the country in 2014, I at least hope to involve myself more in charity work.
7. QUIT STRESSING. This is a huge one and probably the hardest goal I have. Nearly everyone who has been treated for cancer has worries about whether the disease might come back. Every ache or pain can frighten you. So my goal for 2014 is to let go of all the worry and move on with my life.
8. LOVE AND ACCEPT MYSELF. Short, frizzy, curly hair and scars and all. After all, hair grows back and the scars will fade.
So there you have it! It's going to be hard to top this past year but I have all the faith in the work that 2014 will be just as amazing!